Monday, August 31, 2020

Yoga can improve your Sex life!!! What?

The benefits of yoga are so wildly impressive, that I wish more people would utilize yoga for the chaos in their lives. The long list of yoga benefits includes: 

Better posture

lower blood pressure

 improved lung capacity

better balance


weight loss

improved brain function

and many, many more

 But the one that I am going to focus this blog post on is the promise of a more fulfilling sex life.

We all know that when we work out our energy levels go up and so does our self esteem. This can improve your sex life but with yoga there are a few extra benefits that you may have never thought of.  

Yoga postures actually require you to use pretty much all of your muscles. When you are in standing position that forces you to support your own body weight such as Warrior and Balancing poses, you are increasing the strength of your sphincter muscle and the muscle that controls urination. 

What this means is that you are doing 10-40 minutes of kegals each yoga session. Daily kegal exercises are know to give you a much stronger orgasms so get out your yoga mat and get into position!

Being present during sex is harder then is seems even if it is wonderful sex. You might be living all that is happening but you get caught up in the sounds you are making, or start getting self conscious about the way your stomach looks that you end up missing some really great stuff from your partner, plus having an orgasm with chaos going on in your mind is near impossible. One of the main aspects of practicing yoga is being mindful of your body in each moment. You may bring your attention to parts of your self that you rarely pay attention to. When you are in tune with your body you can take any sexy situation to the next level. 

If you have never done yoga before you may think that it looks easy and is not a great workout. If you have done yoga before you know that you can get a sweat going and you get sore from a good yoga flow. A good Vinyasa flow strengthens your core and increases your flexibility. Working out gives you an energy boost but also boosts your self esteem, and in turn your sex life. . Thanks to a regular yoga practice, you can feel slimmer, more fit, and overall a lot more confident in your body. I also love to put on my yoga workout clothes. I bought some cute tank tops and bottoms that I love to wear and I feel sexy in them, So find some workout clothes that you enjoy wearing and that you feel sexy in to get your yoga practice on. And if your partners sees you in your cute clothes while doing yoga it may just turn them on. 

Some yoga poses can twist your body into positions that you may have never thought about before. your newfound ability to touch your toes and wrap a leg behind your head can certainly be put to good use. . Focusing on a few key yoga poses can help really enhance your sexual skills. For releasing tension in your groin muscles, try a seated wide-legged straddle. For increasing blood to your nether regions, cobra pose is your go-to. 

Now, try out some of those poses with your partnernaked. The possibilities (and the positions) really are endless.

Apparently, 6 in 10 Americans crave sleep more than sex. I'm going to go ahead and make the assumptions that is because we are always on the go and never take a break. Many couples are so sleep-deprived, sex often feels like just another thing on a never-ending to-do list. It turns out, doing yoga regularly works wonders for your energy levels and also helps you sleep better at night, which could be just what your sexual appetite needs. i can attest that most night i choose to roll over and go to sleep rather than staying up a little bit later for a romp in bed. By the end of the night i'm just so done with everything, kids, the dishes, the homework and all the kids activities. But a good yoga routine will help you get more quality sleep.

When you're bloated and feeling like a blow-up doll version of yourself during your period, Getting Laid is probably the last thing on your mind. And although going to the gym probably isn't high on your list either, getting in 35 to 40 minutes of yoga can help those pesky symptoms. In India, researchers did a study on 150 women with period problems including spotting, cramps, and heavy flows — half of which practiced yoga. After six months, those who maintained a regular yoga routine had lower levels of follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, and prolactin, which lead to less severe menstrual symptoms. When you aren't plagued by cramps and backaches, you'll be more inclined to get your orgasm on, which also helps to relieve period pain.

When you aren't in a great mental head space, it can be difficult to truly enjoy being intimate with someone else. You generally need a clear mind to be feel fully satisfied with your sex life and yourself. It has been proven that yoga helps with all kinds of mental and physical troubles, including high blood pressure, anxiety, and depression. After 60 minutes of dimly lit candles, a soothing instructor's voice, and stretching out those sore muscles, you can't help but feel like a brand new, and much more relaxed person.

And if you are single you may just meet someone one in yoga class that has a lot of the same interests as you. 

So go ahead and start your yoga routine so that you can improve your sex life!

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