I was only 2 months postpartum at this time and knew that it wasn't the right time for me to be away for a whole weekend and so put it on my vision board to start in January. At that point it still didn't feel right due to Sakera still nursing.
In the meantime I chose into a 7 Chakra Mind and Body Online Training course with Syl Carson at Bodhi that could be done online while waiting for the right timing for the yoga teacher training. I haven't been super diligent at doing that training but have managed to watch the first set of videos, I hope that by January if not sooner I will be able to offer Chakra therapy sessions while I work on my certification for that.
This last week I was talking to my mom and best friends about the yoga teacher training and realized that the next one was starting soon and hadn't looked into it recently so I decided to inquire if there was openings. There was in fact an opening due to someone else postponing her training until a later date. I wanted to be there but had a lot of inner turmoil in choosing it and actually told Syl I wasn't coming this time and that I would have to wait for a future training. I kept going back to it that I was supposed to be there and that I needed to choose in to help my heal some of the pain I was having from the car accident I was in back in May. The training started Friday afternoon and I finally said yes on Friday morning and managed to get everything worked out for having my kids watched.
I was tired of waiting and postponing things because I was still in pain, both physical and emotional. I wanted to move on with my life and keep seeking wisdom to enlighten myself.
So Friday afternoon I showed up a Bodhi Yoga with several other amazing women and started this yoga journey and know without a doubt I was supposed to be there. I was a little overwhelmed and intimidated with all that is required in this certification but I am excited for the challenge and plan on rocking it.
While introducing myself in class I was asked "Why I want to teach yoga?" and before I knew it I said,
"I don't know that I want to but feel called to do this for my own healing"
I had never really thought of that before.. I truly thought my calling was to teach.. and it might be at some point but that isn't my main focus as I go through this journey. My end goal will not be to find a job teaching yoga, but to look inside myself to see how this will help me and my family become better.
Part of my certification requirements are to teach others so I will be offering classes and private sessions over the next year at a super discounted rate or by donation so if you'd like to be a guinea pig for my learning please stay tuned for my class schedule or reach out if you'd like a private session. I would love to help you find out how yoga can fit in your life. As a busy mom of 5 and a neck injury it is sometimes hard to figure out how it fits in my life but I am determined to figure it out for myself.
I now have the knowledge to teach a very basic beginners yoga class and would love to practice by teaching you.